The Board of Representatives
What is The Board of Representatives (BOR)?
The primary goal of MWRAMTAS is to serve music therapy programs in the Midwest. To better do this, we created the Board of Representatives (BOR). The BOR is compiled of one or more students from each school in the MWRAMTAS region. BOR members work with MWRAMTAS to create dialogue between the regional student association and school student association chapters.
What are the responsibilities of a Board Representative?
Share events and regional opportunities provided by MWRAMTAS with your school association
Student Passages conference
Scholarship opportunities
Game nights
Provide updates on your school’s program
Social media spotlights and features
Annual reports
Attend virtual BOR meetings
1-2 meetings during school year
Collaborate with students from other programs to form BOR’s agenda
Who are the current Board Representatives?
Annabelle Xiong for Colorado State University
Sean Morlock for Drury University
Sam Friend for Maryville University
Sage Johnson for The University of Iowa
Kaitlyn Hess for University of Missouri - Kansas City
Mattie Bonner for The University of Kansas
Valerie Feyen for Wartburg College
How do I become a Board Representative?
The election of Board Representatives differs from school-to-school. In most cases, the Board Representative is an elected member of your school’s Music Therapy Student Association (MTSA). If you are interested in learning more about being a Board Representative, contact your school’s representative or the MWRAMTAS Vice President at!