Ratified March 27th, 2024
Article I: Title
The name of the organization will be the Midwestern Region of the American Music Therapy Association Students: herein referred to as MWRAMTAS.
Article II: Mission Statement
Within the Midwestern Region of the American Music Therapy Association, MWRAMTAS will strive to increase awareness, involvement, and knowledge of music therapy students at the local, regional and national levels, and represent music therapy students in the Midwestern Region by communicating educational needs between students and professionals and fostering growth in students’ developing professional careers.
Article III: Function
The function of this organization is:
To promote the establishment and growth of music therapy chapters by advocating for music therapy and being in support of the American Music Therapy Association for Students: herein referred to as AMTAS.
To communicate educational needs and professional ideas between students and professionals.
To research topics for the benefit of the music therapy profession.
To promote music therapy.
To foster professional ideals and collegial relationships among music therapy students.
To serve as a representative body for music therapy students in the Midwestern Region.
To cooperate with and support the American Music Therapy Association: herein referred to as AMTA, AMTAS, Midwestern Region of the American Music Therapy Association: herein referred to as MWRAMTA, and other related professional organizations.
Article IV:
MWRAMTAS will conduct all of its programs and activities in a nondiscriminatory manner with equal opportunity being given to all, regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, ethnicity, national origin, or socioeconomic status.
Membership will consist of:
Chapter associations at AMTA approved schools will be referred to as “Constituent Organizations.”
Any music therapy student or intern enrolled in a university or college within the Midwest Region, regardless of AMTA membership, who supports the aims of the organization will be referred to as a “Member,” unspecified.
All members are eligible to formally engage in and vote on MWRAMTAS business
AMTA Affiliation
Any student paying dues to the AMTA will be referred to as “Active Member.”
Article V: Executive Officers
The Executive Board will consist of the regional President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB) Advisor. Their duties are to conduct general business between yearly conferences and to approve all committees, standing or otherwise.
Elected officers, other than SAAB Advisor, may not hold the same office for more than two (2) terms. They may, however, hold another office after the second term is completed.
Current music therapy students and interns will be eligible to hold office.
The term of office will last one (1) year, beginning at the close of the Regional Conference and continuing through the close of the next Regional Conference.
President is a non-elected position that is assumed by the President-Elect upon the conclusion of Regional Conference.
All officers must be enrolled as a student or intern in a university or college within the Midwestern Region, with the exception of the SAAB Advisor.
All officers will archive any MWRAMTAS officer information that is more than three (3) years old.
Upon completion of their term, each outgoing officer will communicate with their successor regarding their role in the organization.
Communication is to happen within two (2) weeks of the conclusion of Regional Conference.
Pertinent documentation, as well as information about the use of Google Docs, is to be included.
All officers must attend the Regional Conference following their election to office.
All incoming officers will receive a copy of the bylaws within two (2) weeks of their election.
All elected officers are allowed to miss a maximum of one (1) executive board meeting without prior communication and three (3) with prior communication, excluding extenuating circumstances. If unable to attend a meeting, an officer shall be responsible for reviewing the meeting minutes and provide written communication that they have done so with other executive board members. Attendance will be recorded by the Secretary at the start of each Executive Board meeting.
Failure to comply with these guidelines shall be cause for a review of executive board membership and could be considered cause for impeachment.
Impeachment procedures shall be overseen by the SAAB Advisor and require ratification by a two-thirds majority of the executive board.
Article VI: Duties of The Executive Board
The President will:
Preside over all meetings of MWRAMTAS.
Contact Regional and National Conference planners to verify a time for MWRAMTAS meetings.
Call special meetings of the Executive Board and Board of Representatives.
Establish all committees with the approval of the Executive Board.
Establish an agenda for all meetings of MWRAMTAS.
Attend the AMTA National Conference that occurs during their term.
Abide by all guidelines put forth in the AMTAS guidebook.
Maintain contact with the SAAB Advisor.
Maintain contact with the President of AMTAS.
Serve as liaison between MWRAMTAS and the Executive Board of MWRAMTA.
Communicate with their predecessor in order to ensure efficiency and efficacy of procedures.
Compose a list of regional officers and send it to the AMTAS Executive Board within the first six (6) weeks of the term.
The President-Elect will:
Assume the duties of the President in their absence.
Assist the President as requested.
Represent MWRAMTAS as a voting member at any Executive Board meetings of the Midwestern Region.
Assume the Presidency upon completion of their term or in the event of presidential resignation.
Attend the AMTA National Conference that occurs during their term.
In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board, and if the position is unable to be filled by a presidential nomination and majority ratification by the Executive Board, the President-Elect will assume the duties of the vacant office.
Maintain an updated list of faculty contacts from each school.
The Vice President will:
Organize and maintain contact with the Board of Representatives.
Maintain contact with the SAAB Advisor.
Represent MWRAMTAS as a voting member at any Executive Board meetings of the Midwestern Region.
Maintain a biannual newsletter to represent the region. One newsletter will be sent to each school representative and also posted on the website.
Welcome new music therapy programs, inform them about MWRAMTAS, and establish continued communication through written and electronic mail.
Maintain an updated list of school representatives and distribute the list to the MWRAMTAS officers.
Serve as the active administrator of the MWRAMTAS social media accounts.
Coordinate social media presence related to MWRAMTAS events and information.
The Secretary will:
Keep minutes of all meetings.
Preserve all documents and letters pertinent to the function of MWRAMTAS.
Maintain organization and clarity the Google Drive shared folder for the organization.
Represent MWRAMTAS as a voting member at any Executive Board meetings of the Midwestern Region.
The secretary will be responsible for taking attendance of board members at the start of each Executive Board meeting.
The Treasurer will:
Collect and keep record of all funds belonging to MWRAMTAS.
Receive vouchers for payment of all expenses incurred by MWRAMTAS and maintain proper communication in regards to finances with the treasurer of MWRAMTA.
Report the financial standings of MWRAMTAS to the Executive Board and Board Representatives.
Allow all financial records to be open to audit at the discretion of the MWRAMTAS Executive Board and the Board of Representatives.
Oversee income of funds through cash and electronic transactions.
Maintain possession of money and devices related to monetary transactions.
Present a written estimated annual report of monies collected and expenses incurred during their term of office to members attending Regional Conference student business meetings.
Refer to and uphold all regulations outlined in Article IX: Funds and Finances.
Represent MWRAMTAS as a voting member at any Executive Board meetings of the Midwestern Region.
The Parliamentarian will:
Assure that all MWRAMTAS meetings are conducted according to the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.
Be responsible for election procedures at Regional Conference.
Conduct an annual review of MWRAMTAS bylaws and make any appropriate recommendations regarding revision and amendment to the Executive Board.
Represent MWRAMTAS as a voting member at any Executive Board meetings of the Midwestern Region.
Present proposed bylaw changes to members attending Regional Conference student business meetings.
Oversee ratification of bylaw changes.
Incorporate all ratified amendments and revisions into the bylaws within 30 days of ratification.
Distribute copies of the current bylaws to all members of the Executive Board, as well as to each constituent organization.
The SAAB Advisor will:
Communicate with the students and professors of the MWRAMTAS affiliated schools to encourage student involvement in music therapy.
Serve as a liaison between MWRAMTAS and the Executive Board of MWRAMTA.
Attend student meetings.
Offer and provide mentorship to students who have been selected to present at regional or national conferences.
Assist students in handling their concerns.
Serve as regional representative to the Student Affairs Advisory Board of AMTAS at National Conference and quarterly meetings facilitated by the AMTAS SAAB Advisor.
Represent MWRAMTAS as a voting member at any Executive Board meetings of the Midwestern Region.
Assist Executive Board in creating criteria for regional student scholarships.
Advisor will notify the Executive Board of the scholarship recipients accordingly.
Article VII: Election of Officers
The procedure for the election of officers to the Executive Board shall be as follows:
Elections shall be held at the Regional Conference.
Nominations of candidates shall be accepted from the floor of the first and second Student Business Meeting at Regional Conference.
Any member may nominate themselves or another student for an executive position.
Prior to ballots being cast, each nominee shall have the opportunity to present their platform and qualifications for the position.
Nominees unable to present should submit a brief statement accepting the nomination and describing their qualifications. These submissions will be read by an officer of the Executive Board during the election procedure.
Votes shall be cast via secret ballot prior to or during the second Student Business Meeting at Regional Conference. Votes shall be counted by the SAAB Advisor and the outgoing president of MWRAMTAS.
The modality of the secret ballot may be virtual or written and is to be determined at the discretion of the MWRAMTAS President.
Upon commencement of voting procedures, only the individuals present shall be eligible to vote. No absentee ballots will be accepted, nor shall ballots from late attendees.
Persons for these positions will be elected by a plurality vote.
2. Vacancies
A vacancy in the office of President-Elect will result in the election of the President at the subsequent Regional Conference.
Other vacancies within the Executive Board outside of an election cycle shall be filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the Executive Board.
Vacancies in the Board of Representatives shall be filled by their respective Constituent Organizations in a manner consistent with the bylaws of their respective organizations.
Should the President-Elect choose to not assume the position of President at the end of their term, an election will be held for the office of president at the second MWRAMTAS business meeting at Regional Conference.
Article VIII: Board of Representatives
The Board of Representatives shall consist of one (1) music therapy student from each Constituent Organization within the Midwestern Region. The selection of this representative shall be the responsibility of the school.
The Board of Representatives will:
Be present at Regional Conference and provide their contact to the Vice President of MWRAMTAS.
Represent their Constituent Organization.
Maintain communication with the President and Vice President.
Appoint representatives from their school to assist with regional projects.
Attend student meetings at the Regional Conference.
Disseminate information from the Executive Board to all members of their Constituent Organization.
Submit reports on the activities of their Constituent Organization, especially before the Regional and National Conferences.
Present a summary of activities regarding their constituency.
Article IX: Funds and Finances
The fiscal year shall run from the close of one (1) Regional Conference to the close of the subsequent Regional Conference.
The budget for the fiscal year is to be presented to and approved by a simple majority of MWRAMTAS members; this is to be done at the first and second general business meetings of Regional Conference, respectively.
Funds will be allotted to the Executive Board for all expenses incurred.
Funds will be allocated according to a budget presented to and approved by the MWRAMTAS members at Regional Conference.
In the event of a surplus of 3 times the operating budget the president will be reimbursed the cost of registration for National Conference.
A minimum sum of $175 will be left in the budget at the end of the fiscal year to assist the incoming Executive Board in paying immediate expenses.
Article X: Meetings and Quorum
Two (2) general business meetings will be held at the Regional Conference.
Attendance of 37% of schools within the Midwestern Region will constitute a quorum.
An Executive Board meeting will be held at Regional Conference.
Special meetings of the Executive Board will be determined by the President contingent upon approval by a majority vote of the Board.
Quorum for Executive Board meetings will be 2/3 of all Board members.
Article XI: Bylaw Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of members present at any meeting of the Association that has met official quorum. Revisions shall be proposed in writing at the first general business meeting and voted on prior to or during the second general business meeting, with results being announced prior to the adjournment of the meeting.
Article XII: Rules of Order
The most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority for all questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by these Bylaws.